Featured Projects

Reberryon (2024)

Team Size 14 - Unreal 5 Blueprint
This project was made at FutureGames as a group project. 1 year into school period. You play as a blueberry, fighting your way by calling forth units to topple the tyrannical Pineapple King.

Team Size 14 - Unreal 5 Blueprint This project was made at FutureGames as a group project. 1 year into school period. You play as a blueberry, fighting your way by calling forth units to topple the tyrannical Pineapple King.

Microverse (2023)

Team Size 11 - Unity C#
This project was our 1st group project at FutureGames.
You control a microorganism called Volvox, using lights to guide the organism to collect food and see how much you can eat before timer runs out. This was presented and played at the Technical Museum in Stockholm for 9-12 year old kids.

Team Size 11 - Unity C# This project was our 1st group project at FutureGames. You control a microorganism called Volvox, using lights to guide the organism to collect food and see how much you can eat before timer runs out. This was presented and played at the Technical Museum in Stockholm for 9-12 year old kids.

Portal Experiment (2022)

Solo Dev - Unity C#
This project was made at Indie Game Studio Ädelfors. This was a proof of concept, to code a fully functional portal with items going though it.

Solo Dev - Unity C# This project was made at Indie Game Studio Ädelfors. This was a proof of concept, to code a fully functional portal with items going though it.

Dice multiplayer (2022)

Solo Dev - Unity C#
This project was made at Indie Game Studio Ädelfors. This was to research into how Unity’s Network Solution worked, look into RCP servers and code a small dice game.

Solo Dev - Unity C# This project was made at Indie Game Studio Ädelfors. This was to research into how Unity’s Network Solution worked, look into RCP servers and code a small dice game.

Fantasy’s Final (2021)

Team Size 2 - Unity C#
This project was made at Ädelfors. This was for research purpose of how to code a RPG, like Final Fantasy 1, was made and how it would look like in code.

Team Size 2 - Unity C# This project was made at Ädelfors. This was for research purpose of how to code a RPG, like Final Fantasy 1, was made and how it would look like in code.




Specialization - Advanced Gameplay Programming 2023 - (Ongoing) Video Game development, specialization in Gameplay Programming as well as group projects.


Ädelfors Folkhögskola

Video Game Development 2020 - 2023 Game Design and Programming in C#.


Game Editors

Unity Unreal


C# & C++ Blueprints


Plastic SCM GitHub Perforce Jira Trello Affinity Designer DaVinci Resolve Notion


Gameplay design & ideas Sound & Music choices Visual presentation


Broad game knowledge with +1000 games. Scrum & DevOps

Game Projects

About me